My Snout Squad colleagues Sarah Rumple and Danielle Lambert (and Archer!) visited me in Mexico this month!
Like many of my colleagues, I often feel like I’m constantly on the go. Here’s a look at where I’ve been lately and where I’ll be going in the coming weeks.
November 8–9: Laguna Beach, California, for a business Mastermind retreat with Colin and Sarah Boyd.
November 9–11: At home in Rosarito Beach, Mexico, with two Snout Squadcolleague visitors: Danielle Lambertand Sarah Rumple.
November 27–December 12: Italy tour! I could not be more excited for this. Our plan is to explore Italy while eating and drinking incredible food and wine. The other day we booked a Wild Foods Truffle Hunt in Umbria!
December 20: At home to host my December webinar: Relationship Centered Practice: A Business Framework You Wished You Learned in Vet School (6 p.m. EST/3 p.m. PST).
December 21–26: Dallas, Texas, for some holiday time with our family.
January 16–19: Orlando, Florida, for the VetPartners Annual Meeting.
January 19–23: Orlando, Florida for VMX. On January 20, I’ll be speaking at the Boehringer Ingelheim Digital Marketing Symposium.
I hope to see you at one of these upcoming events! And in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact me.